Monday, May 16, 2005

Where is Echostar's ka band internet program?

During the last 6 months, Echostar, who's primary product is Dish Network (a consumer satellite TV product), has leased an enormous amount of ka band spot beam transponder space from SES Americom ( all of SES Americom 16 and a good bit of SES Americom 15). What are they doing with it? Nothing.....they might not be able to afford to do anything right now. This company is in debt "up to their eyeballs" the commercial says. With total debt of 8.4 Billion dollars and a deficit net worth (1.8 billion @ 3-31-2005), they could use some serious credit counseling!
It's unclear what they are up to, but it's been said they would come out with a ka band internet product to compete with Wildblue during 2005 and additionally use the ka band space to launch new HDTV channels. I would bet on the HDTV play and not a ka band internet program.....they can't afford it. To me it appears that Wildblue will be the only ka band internet option for the near term...unless, of course, Echostar defaults on the leases to SES Americom.....then look out Wildblue, a giant will be unleashed! SES has made noises they want to enter the ka band internet market, but unless they "buy-back" transponder space on the leases with Echostar (or Echostar defaults), what will they use for a satellite? This mystery will all unfold by August 2005 I predict.